Tuesday 16 August 2016

Who am I?

Who am I? A question regularly shouted off rooftops by people in crisis. It is a question that to the day most people still do not know the answer to while some are lucky enough to know exactly who they are. These are the two main types of people in this world.

The first type is generally unsatisfied with where they are in life, still having no idea why they are where they are and having no clue where they are headed. They are often the most regretful later in life, but I prefer not to linger on this type.

The second type knows where they are going and where they want to be. Some were born into this blossoming environment and it comes easy when you have been raised in this setting. Everything simply comes naturally to them. They have used the caption "Blessed" on their Instagram or Facebook at least once in their lives, they are truly the fortunate ones.

But there is a third type as well, rare and lost in translation. The type that is somewhere in between the two, I am that type (although I ain't got no type), somewhere in between I want it and I got it. Many of you don't know who De Vree Design truly is. I simply go by "The Boy" trying to make it out in the world, in between working on great things and laying in bed, usually the second. Life's tough but I try, just like I tried with you. This is heavy my Instagram bio sorry (https://www.instagram.com/kyledevree/). But that is truly Kyle De Vree in 160 characters or less. I could not have summed up my life any better.

Everyday I am torn in between the certainty and uncertainty I have in myself. I know exactly where I want to be in life but the problem is how am I getting there? This could be one of the reasons when my ex asks me, "Where you moving?" and I say, "onto better things."

Life is a struggle for everybody, but more me I feel though. It's tough out here, but the important thing is trying a little harder everyday, sure you're going to have off days, or if you're more like me, "off weeks". But dust yourself off and grind harder the next day or week.

Nobody is perfect and I'm the furthest thing from it, but I've got a lot of potential, potential for beard, potential for anything I feel and so do you, unless you're a girl, a girl with a beard would be very impractical. 

The important thing in life is that you do you.

Your ever friendly neighbourhood Desiigner x

Portrait Photography